The Hill used to be a decent publication. Josh Marshall of TPM worked there long ago. But since Trump oozed into the Oval Offal, The Hill has become just one more cheerleader for Dear Leader, happily spreading mis- and mal-information and doing whatever it can to undermine its own existence.

As for Laura Ingraham's beauty secrets, I want to know more. Like, did she develop them while doing the horizontal bop with D'inesh D'ivorsa? Do the products involve unguents made from the essence of her enemies? Does she put the lotion on her skin before she gets the hose again?

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Soylent Green Cream is PEOPLE!!

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Judging by the pictures, her anti-aging secret is "..get you to my lady’s chamber and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must come. "

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Big ups for matching my Hamlet quote.

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(Skincare regimen courtesy Countess Bathory's Plasma Bathing Salts. All reichs reserved.)

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I probably don't want to know about the horizontal bop thing, but otherwise I'm with you.

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Dinesh and Laura dated while at Dartmouth. Roy is implying that while dating, they had sex as often happens with collegiate dating

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In this particular case giving the term "bumping uglies" its true meaning. . .

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I don't think we have to infer that, honestly. I can barely cope with the notion that they may have actually ever held hands. I shall continue to believe it was an entirely unpleasantly platonic relationship where they each made excuses for being female or foreign.

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Didn't mean to squick you out.

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Ha. I'm capable of very little squicking. I spent yesterday going through the toolbox and the utensil drawers trying to decide what to use to carve my own eyeballs out on account of the migraine. The subsequent discussion freaked my partner right the hell out but made me feel better. I should maybe have it with the neurologist. "Look! I have OPTIONS!"

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"Ben Shapiro DESTROYS carnie who tells him he is too short to ride the ride."

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“Tune in tomorrow as Ben Shapiro EVISCERATES libs from the Tilt-a-Whirl!” 🎪

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This sounds like a Criminal Minds plot. I'm hoping Ben goes for suicide-by-cop.

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The perfect crime.

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I've worried about how constant voluntary exposure to brown shirt intellectualism might affect your mind. Does it help to wear a clove of garlic?

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Warren t-shirt.

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Liberty One, Truth Zero

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My eyes popped at "Myron Cohen"--wasn't that Lawrence Welk's swift-fingered accordion colleague? (No, says Dr. Google, that was Myron Floren.)

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I had the same thought, though sadly didn’t need to Google it. I managed to remember, which means that info is wasting a brain cell somewhere.

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Only Myron Cohen joke I know: alter kocker watching TV. Son walks in.

"Whatcha watching, Pop?"


"What's the score?"


"Who's winning?"


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Cheer up. If it were free, it would almost certainly have been filled with some bullshit Trump said by now.

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The late Myron Cohen was a long time famous broadcaster/commenter for the Pittsburgh Steelers. He was known for his very thick Pittsburgh accent and hilariously bad humor.

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Also a NY comedian. Don't believe these are the same guy.

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Wonderful, wonderful.

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Pft. Nazi *bitch*. You can say it, As a witch and a woman *and* a bitch, I give you permission.

Also, I get why you find this stuff icky on many levels, but honestly, I prefer it to the real news that's out there right now. Someone fucking come get me when we're done talking about child rape, okay?

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I appreciate both your authority and your generosity, but if I'm going to get into the whole "ooh you used 'bitch' some ally you are" mishegas I want to pick a better shot. I just had a run-in with some guy on Twitter for using "pussy" and it gets tiresome explaining to people how the English language works.

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The headline is accurate, because the existence of The Ingraham Angle is definitely a tragedy.

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I hope you're using a burner email, and possibly a burner computer, for all this research.

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Why? It can only convince authorities that I'm a good, rightthinking citizen.

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But if the Pelosi Resistance troops find it you... no never mind too dumb a thought to finish

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Wouldn't the DCCC backing a primary challenge to an incumbent be against the rules they recently promulgated?

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Among the lazy, pampered, self-styled Adults In The Room, a foolish consistency is a hobgoblin of little minds. The important thing is for everyone else to sit down and shut up while they mix the cocktails and drive the car into the ditch.

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uh yes.

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I always feel better when I read these things. I start to understand how a work friend can support Trump and claim to vote for policies, not party, even when he admits he has never voted for any but GOP candidates. The heart wants and is often quite wanting in capacities of the heart.

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Uh, for much of their target audience, they assume that any instance of a 'Jewish Council' _is_ in fact identical to 'The Democratic Party Leadership'.

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I really wish that the MomAdviceBot twitter feed were still active as an antidote to reading these comes-on. I have a special place in my heart for 'Dermatologists HATE this Minnesota Housewife for What She Did to their Families.' and 'Lose Forty Pounds FAST with This One Weird Axe.'.

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