Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Slow clap...

I tried to look up a Cruise with Peterson and Schneider: is that real??

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

It sounds just nightmarish enough to be true.

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No. Just my little joke.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Thank Maude...

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Although, one could have a real "Ship of Fools" scenario with a cast like that..

Also "that was no lady! That's Bari Weiss.."

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

What does it say about the current state of society that I believed it to be true[TM]

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Goddamn it, I'd sign up in a hot moment and paste the news stories about mysterious falls overboard into a scrapbook after.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

When one falls mysteriously overboard, one always hopes it is into a scrapbook...

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

He fell off the ship and into the pages of history,

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Man overbooked!

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Too bad... it'd be easy to torpedo a cuise ship like that

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I much prefer Death By Exploding Toilets

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Yes, yes -- but if we just add lots of spice to the ship food, the choads will explode on their own... mwahmhahaaa

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Some rightwingers like spicy food - they have salt *and* pepper in their spice cabinets.

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Look at the Lusitania!

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No, doc — this one will be much better. The Delulusitania.

What could possibly go wrong?

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After you...no, no – after YOU!

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I wasn’t intending to comment whilst reading today’s post — I mean, what’s Weiss beyond an exceptional grifter?

But then I read Trump’s spiel and my god, was it a work of art — creativity beyond any Weiss grift.

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Leave it to Weiss to offer a football program for an online "university."

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

It does make you realize how little American right-wingers and their water-carriers in the media know about what actually goes on in American higher education. To them it's all law school courses (even when they call them English or economics or musicology) and football and protesters about issues of the day, and may God and Larry Summers keep it that way (except maybe the protesters) Nothing about proper scholarship. Nothing about job training. Nothing about history or the natural sciences, where you don't have a Great Books canon to depend on. Nothing, even, about the civic impact a large college campus can have on the surrounding neighborhood (wasn't that what was really behind the Columbia University protests in the late 60s?) Can you imagine a David Bordwell or a Daniel Heartz in that kind of environment? God knows I have my problems with the way humanistic scholarship is going these days--not everything can or should be reduced to race and gender oppression--but forcing everyone into jerkoff sessions over The Republic and Reflections on the Revolution in France, as they do at the University of Austin, is so NOT the answer.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

My Rightwing brother-in-law: "They should be teaching the Western Canon in college! You know, Western civilization!"

Me: Okay, what's the Western Canon?

RwB-I-L: "I don't know, but they don't teach it anymore because it's banned."

Me: If you don't know what it is, how can you know it's been banned?

RwB-I-L: "Because everybody knows it is!"

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

You forget the Humanities Department, a criminal hive of scum and Lesbian Dance Theory.

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So full of win! Jordan Peterson dressed as the Riddler ohmygod..

"I’ve more pedagogic experience than your entire faculty."

Oh shit -

Funny stuff in an unfunny time.

That's important!

" Bari Weiss - Bari Weiss

Every morning you greet me

Large and white, clean and bright

You look so happy to meet me!"

Out of all the people I hated in my life perhaps I hate most the choir director that made us sing 10 minute medley from the " Sound of Music" in the 7th grade.

I hate The Sound of Music and I hate Bari Weiss.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso


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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Makes (at least) three of us. Only bit of dialogue I like is when the little girl refers to the Nazi flag as "the flag with the black spider on it".

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"Large and white, clean and bright" ha ha

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Isn’t it “pure and white”? So apt.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Just like America!

...after Trump wins, OF COURSE... *thunder, ominous music*

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I take issue with "bright" used as a Bari Weiss descriptive,

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Dunno, this song's not too bad... a bit dated, I guess:


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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Nothing has happened to me in my life so far to prepare to me for that.

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Sorry -- should come with a warning. The whole thing strikes me as a revenge plot by some Swiss band whose Eurovision application was rejected.

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I liked it ! I was just... unprepared.

So unprepared.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

For the rest of us, what do you think would constitute adequate preparation?

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Ohh... kay... 😶

Goddamn it, now I want to go to Germany.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I have to accept that decent people don't share my taste for The Sound of Music

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I like it.

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Ok - Julie Andrews was hot.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Got a thing for nuns, do you?

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Nun-ya business

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

The magic words!

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I'll admit John Coltrane does a helluva job with My Favorite Things.

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Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrllllllllll.... that's the absolute real shit right there.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Well, you know Trane, nothing he liked better than whiskers on kittens and warm woolen mittens.

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And stepping on giants...

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You are not alone. Rumor has it that Christopher Plummer himself referred to it as "the sound of mucus."

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

"PETERSON: [blandly] Oh yes. Didn’t see my name in it anywhere."

That's 'cause you write for the competition, you self-centered asshole.

I'm just noticing that "UATX" sounds like the NASDAQ listing for a tech company (that just got de-listed because the greedy techbros in charge drove the stock price down to $0.01 per share)

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

It's SO CLOSE to "UTAX", which should offend the Libertarians.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Call it a tariff and they're fine with it.

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or a fee

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

UTeXA was right there, but it does sound like a prescription psoriasis cream.

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15

"Ask your broker if UTeXA is right for you."

Could also note that the UATX sounds like a code for a railroad tank car transporting bullshit.

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Sounds like "U Attics" which is where the family might hide crazy Aunt Bari.

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University of Texas-Austin is the flagship university of the state and would likely sue over that abbreviation

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So much the better! Help, we're being cancel-cultured by college-educated elites! Elon, give us a billion dollars to protect our FREE SPEECH.

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"Crook 'Em Horns!"

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Thanks for bringing this educational shitshow back to my thoughts. I've been seeing these terrible AI-heavy Western European history courses announced on YouTube with little TikTok blurbs that sometimes scholars will respond to you,* all seeming to be taught by this Roy Casagrandes, who is basically the American Jordan Peterson. He's got that squeaky voice, that odd, uncanny accent, and he is also an absolute shit-clown when it comes to medieval European history.

* due to his chronic wrongness.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I admit I am curious for an example of something he is wrong about (so I don’t have to listen to one of his videos to find out).

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Wise choice, fren -- see my reply above for some nuggets of wrong.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I appreciate this Roy Casagrandes fellow, whose name roughly translates from pidgin Romance languages as “King Bighouse.” Real second-tier villain stuff.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

He answers to no one except Roy Casagigante

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Roy Humongoloidus wanna word.

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Oh, i forgot to mention that this Casagrandes choad is on the take with... I mean, "on the faculty of" UATX. Important detail left out there... erm.

Well, he came into my mentions because he stated (whole-chestedly) that the Viking Era started due to there being too many unmarried young men in Norway, implying incels deserve accommodation... or else.

He also stated the rule of Richard Lionheart was widely seen as illegitimate because he was French. Me, a medievalist, thinks, "My brother in Christ, how could R1 be French when there was no France yet?"

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

"implying incels deserve accommodation... or else."

Or they'll move to Greenland? Works for me, but maybe not for Greenland.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

or else we send 'em off to fight for the glory of the mother (or father, whichever gender happens to be ascendant this time 'round)land. If they win, we take the spoils. If they lose, welp, fewer unattached malcontents to clamp down upon.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

The most gobsmacking idea in this gobsmacking time, to me, is the idea that men have a right to get laid whether they can attract a partner or not.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I don't see who's stopping these guys from fucking each other.

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Who's to say they're not... no homo brah

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

As James Spader said to Robert Downey Jr. in Less Than Zero, "Oh, you'd be surprised what you can get used to."

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It's not gay if u don't call it gay

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

The Legacy Of Western Culture, as presented by Roy Bighouse.

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Dr. McHugeLarge

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Bigly B. Biglington

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I love how UATX is marketing itself to parents who think they can possess the minds of their 18-22 year olds. There’s no vaccine for the woke mind virus!

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

And their kids will be living in Austin? Where there are no dangerous liberal influences to worry about?

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Not having a subscription, I could read just enough of that WSJ story to learn University of Texas at Austin has 92 students, LOL.

I have more students all by myself this semester. Should I incorporate as a University?

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

I would say "yes", but that would (according to my father) place you under the Iron Heel of the federal government, who would require you to teach LGBTQ CRT DEI CCP CBT WEF D&D or some such.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Nah, once incorporated you are made. Corporations can never fail, no matter what. It's in the charter, and the gummint bows obsequiously to charters.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

The poor corporations are so oppressed, it's a wonder we have so many of them.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso


...in other words, more like this please

(Fucking J Peterson, too neurotic to even be a Batman villain)

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Here's some lovely footage of Jordan in a would-be Riddler suit praying with Russell Brand and no, I'm not even kidding.


(I put up the Sam Seder commentary version so as not to drive traffic to the lunatic site that was the other source I found.)

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Looks like a VW Golf Harlequin

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

A VW Golf Harlequin Romance, even...

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Don't you just LOVE my golfing outfit?!

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I object to the phrase "praying with Russell Brand" with extreme prejudice.

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I object to both Brand AND Peterson with extreme prejudice.

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"At 59.75 years old" is a measure of velocity?

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One should not be concerned about nasally ejected milk after the age of 10. It's science.

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velocity needs to have a direction, too

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I think we've already established in a previous thread that our direction was hellward.

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Direction: Hellward, Means of Conveyance: Handbasket

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Long ago in the halcyon time of 2012, there was a podcast called "Breakfast With The Beak", two insane guys from NYC yacketing about randomly-rolled subjects covering ostensibly "the whole Universe", but more like Honey Boo Boo's "saghetti", the Oogieloves, squirrel nip, and Dollywood, but I'm reminded of the episode "Family Reunions", where the tale is related of the one host's cousin Fatty Jenkins, the failed kite search, and the Ropearoni, a four foot long pepperoni stick.

What I'm saying is I can imagine Jordan Peterson walking around dragging a Ropearoni behind him, leaving a sad trail of grease in his wake.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Is that a Ropearoni or are you just sad to see me?

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Ropearoni, sad tromboni.

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Oct 14Liked by Roy Edroso

Jordan Peterson is an incel’s idea of what a smart person sounds like.

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15

I just started a new book called Hope for Cynics, one of the claims the author makes is that most people assume cynical people are smart, they must have some deeper knowledge of human nature that makes them so cynical. So a genuine idiot like Peterson can appear smart just by taking a hyper-cynical attitude. Although it's probably not a strategy, cynicism is about assuming the worst about other people, many right-wing cynics are just horrible people who assume everyone is just as much of an asshole as they are.

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I would disagree with you about JP's as a cynic... he's more of a "moral scold" plus his "psychology" content is all Jungian-Joseph Campbell woo... in other words he would profess belief in anything if it "earned" him another $100. He surely sees himself as a big-C Cynic tho.

Russell Brand seems more a cynic & I'm surprised it took so long to veer into outright RW grifter lunacy. Again the pose is merely a pose.

Also, I just know as canon fucking fact that when JP is riled up enough to say a swear, as in "If I can't tell you're a man or a woman, what the hell am I supposed to do witja" (real quote), an even squeakier and more anile voice says back to him "Careful now Jordie -- watch it with the potty mouth there."

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