This being America, there are some things that are as reliable as the sunrise. Worshiping the ultra-wealthy is one of those things. Some take tremendous wealth as a sign of God's favor; some take it as incontrovertible proof of global brilliance. Nearly all take it as a given that the holder of such wealth is a far better person than those of lesser means. So, sadly, Bloomberg doesn't have to bribe anyone to gain their favor--just being Billionaire Bloomberg confers that favor upon him.

I keep hoping that those who look at Bloomberg and think he's our billionaire to kick ass on their billionaire will sooner rather than later examine his time as NYC mayor. How he persecuted minorities, how he twisted the system to get himself exempted from the NYC mayoral term limit, how his "broken windows policing" ruined the lives of countless young Black and Latino men, how his complete lack of leadership on pressing infrastructure matters (like the manifest incompetence at MTA and the Port Authority, or his failure to intervene in Chris Christie's torpedoing of a new trans-Hudson tunnel) has led to NYC teetering on the brink of road, rail, and air system repairs and renovations that are becoming financially out of reach.

Being rich does not prove that the holder of wealth is wise, benevolent, smart, or even human. Trump should have been proof enough of that. But apparently it's a hot stove that must be touched many times before the lesson takes hold.

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Their side has a billionaire? Prove it!

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Trump may not be a billionaire in the real world, but over in conservative land, he's a billionaire several times over. And a stable genius. And the most loving and kind president ever. And wise. And a military leader. And a warrior.

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Also svelte, I hear.

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And a good husband. There was that time he sent a WH intern or his son in law or something to buy a card for Melanie for her birthday or anniversary or whatever it was she was hinting about.

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I’ve got my “McDuck for President” yardsign. His orphan nephew policy won me over.

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“John Carrywater,” LMFAO. Since we live in the stupidest timeline imaginable, of course the Dems are flirting with “Let’s do our own oligarch but throw in some shit about climate change and guns. Trump Lite, that’s the winning ticket.”

On a practical level it’s amazing the Democratic establishment would even consider a candidate that would risk maybe 20% of their base staying home on election day, in the hopes of winning the 2-3% of Trump 2016 voters who are persuadable. Madness. But money talks and short-term greed is self-rationalizing.

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The Dem establishment frogs are asking Jupiter for a king. Jupiter is going to give them a Caesar Augustus.

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I do not want Bloomberg to be the nominee. But if he is, I will by-God get out and vote for him.

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In my state my vote never matters anyway, so even in the worst case scenario I wouldn’t have to choose between *our* fascist (good, yay!) and *their* fascist (bad, boo!). I could always just leave the top line blank and cast (futile) votes down ballot.

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Bernie's first Senate run in Vermont was against a Richie Rich, a multi-millionaire who moved from Vermont after he sold his tech company, changed his residency to Florida and built a McMansion on the west coast. As he was starting to build his second McMansion on the east coast, he suddenly decided he was still a Vermonter and filed. One of the nice touches in his campaign was giving all 300 of his student volunteers a laptop. It was guys like him who cranked up total gubernatorial race spending from $800,000 in 2004 to $14 million in 2014.

And preceding that by a few years was the famous Fred Tuttle run, sparked by a Massachusetts millionaire, Republican Jack Mcmullen, who had announced that he was going to run against incumbent Democrat Sen. Patrick Leahy by putting $800,000 of his own money into his race. Fred had previously starred in a movie, "Man with a Plan," in which he, a dirt poor farmer, decided to end his life in ease by getting a job in Congress. "I've spent my entire life in the barn," he says, "and now I'd like to spend some time in the House." Fred won both races (offended Vermonters crossed party lines to vote for him in that primary) and after beating McMullen immediately conceded the race to Leahy, who said, "I was worried about an opponent with deep pockets, and I got an opponent who has holes in his pockets." Tuttle was in life the character he played in the film.

Time magazine reported his primary run was a case of life imitating art.

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Hey, what's so bad about Wales? Richard Burton could out-act Paul Scofield seven nights a week and Sunday mantinees.

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Watching TV on Saturday I noticed several commercials for Bloomberg about how he's recently given sacks with giant dollar signs on the side to minority buisnesses, therefore I guess negating what he's done and said in the past.

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"Perez also announced that Rich will enter the race with 317 “couch cushion” delegates due to an arcane DNC rule."


Your gift for satire is amazing.

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And I just have to say, 6 hours later I'm in the kitchen making some dinner, listening to Flora Purim and I started laughing out load again. A couple of locally produced apple brandies (down in the holler ya know) helped. :)

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Still better than Trump.

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Some like it hot. Others like it rich. Others like it in the bag, seven year itch! If only we can get The Three Stooges and Groucho to play key roles in the campaign and the cabinet!

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The Dems slobbering over Bloomberg is giving me flashbacks to Repubs slobbering over Mean Grrl Sarah Palin. Every time you think this timeline can’t get worse, we find a dumber, more venal level.

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