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Nov 6, 2020
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Hell, I tried to watch it, but MSNBC cut away three sentences in, and never went back. "Yeah, he's lying, we're done here."

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It seemed obvious that not even the Occupant believed it could happen, and their only recourse is stochastic terrorism

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Lindsey Graham has pledged $500K to Trump’s legal defense fund. Honestly, the jokes write themselves.

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Hope like fuck we don't regret it when one of Donnie's bullshit lawsuits reaches SCOTUS and its six GOP apparatchik majority who are always willing to put party before nation or rue of law. (Theoretically suits claiming fraud because votes didn't stop when Donnie was ahead with a fraction of the votes counted and wholly lacking any significant documented fraud should be too much for them but...)

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I mean, I was heavily amused by the post. Just don't want to regret it.

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Nov 6, 2020
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Fighting = flailing and thrashing.

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So he may win but it will be fatal? That wouldn’t be so bad.

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If I'm ahead, the vote count must be stopped! If I'm behind, then every vote must be counted! And if, when all the votes have been counted, I'm still behind, then all the "illegal" votes for Biden must be thrown out! It's only fair!

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Chaser: You'd think finding undocumented claims of fraud or a failure to stop counting votes would be a bridge too far for SCOTUS when Bush v Gore II hits. But I'll have to see them tell Donnie to fuck off to believe it.

Of course, if the GOP majority believed in the rule of law, it would be a n-brainer. But adhering to the law isn't the Roberts' court's thing.

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"They threw me in the back of a van" LMFAO

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Nov 6, 2020
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Oh, snap! I nearly spit out coffee when I read that part -- the Rummy is such a blackmailable toady it just *feels* true, LOL.

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(Yeah, Wolf and Rummy might as well leave now while they still can. It ain't like they're gonna get paid.)

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Has Fauci been fired yet? How about Fat Billy Barr?

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I mean they'll throw everything at the wall & see what sticks, but a lot of these "lawsuits" seem written by first-year law students and are forgetting basic shit, like tort, and so are being tossed out (often by GOP appointees) with prejudice. To get to SCOTUS, there have to be rulings to affirm or reverse. The stuff I'm hearing about can't go up the food chain -- if the system is operating according to basic Constitutional principles. That was one of the checks & balances for the SCOTUS in the design, we should remember, that they are not supposed to make new law or start new cases.

Things may change, of course, as this drags on. And if we continue corroding all standards of rule we have know to this day

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Also their lead atty is Guiliani. Nuff said

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Jared was apparently wandering around the WH looking for a James Baker type. Refusing to plan and walking in cold to see what the day brings has its limits as a strategy.

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Compare and contrast: In 2000, the Bush team rolled out James A. Baker III as lead counsel for their legal proceedings. Trump's crackhead legal team consists of Rudy, Corey Lewandowski, and Pam "GIMMEBRIBE!!!" Bondi.

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To get to SCOTUS, you have to say May I?

I cannot believe they will refuse Donnie till I see it. The major are disgraces always willing to put the party first, law or no law.

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Lt. Gov. Fetterman of PA just compared Trump to an Internet troll who should be ignored. On national TV. Also pointed out only voter fraud in PA was some Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother. It’s hard for fiction to keep up with our reality, but kudos to Roy for trying and succeeding.

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Bravo yet again. These scenes are like surreal mobster noir. In reality, he's like a Mario Puzo character now --"We own those judges! They're mine!" The White House must be like the Bada-Bing club now, only stupider. I expect Big Pussy to walk in just so Trump could grab him. What a joke the man is. Turns everything to shit. Including the country.

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It’s fucked up, but I think the pratfall that the Democrats took in Congress (props to Robby Mook! I wish I could fail upwards like that guy) has turned the post-election counting into a long, slow sad trombone fart for Donny. If Cocaine Mitch was in danger of losing his majority, the only thing that ghoul cares about in this life, I think he would be putting in some work to get the judiciary moving to overturn as many outcomes as possible. He’ll perfectly happy to gum up the works for another 4 years as it is. He’s good at it. The House, they have a damn good shot of retaking it in 2 years.

It’s a pretty simple equation: would you rather have Sleepy Joe trying to be your bud and work on bipartisan solutions that you can shoot down and call socialism, or would you rather retain the rabid, psychotic wolverine on addys who’s going feel doubly emboldened to scream at you even more?

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I’m going to throw down an Extra Hot Take now that I’m drinking 110 proof rye: RBG’s death and the Handmaid’s appointment made congressional Republicans stop giving a fuck about Donny full-stop. It killed Donny because it was Mission Accomplished in terms of Mitch’s legacy.

Mitch could get fucked by the very possible scenario that the next crop of Republicans go full-on QAnon/anti-vaxx/whatever crazy shit they come up with and lay waste to all the 2022 R’s. Marjorie Taylor Greene is already issuing a fatwa on Dan Crenshaw for not fighting hard enough for Donny. Good times.

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Yes, I wonder whether the party feels like Donnie's expendable. Apparently down-tickets Republicans did better than he so there may be a feeling that he isn't as popular with the base as everyone thought or presumed or whatever.

Never has there been a person more deserving of humiliation. (And now that I think about it, I wonder how Schoo history texts will make him look good.)

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"Thanks for lightening the mood in these grimmest of times." Seconded.

WOLF: I really shouldn’t be here, sir.

TRUMP: That’s what they all say.

I swear I can hear him saying it. My life is going to be so much plainer without Drumpf's White House Follies. Thank goodness he'll be hanging around like a smelly corpse for two more months.

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Off topic, but why does CNN have former Sen. Frothy Mix providing *analysis*? (sorry)

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He's a made man in the Republican Crime Family

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I love "Oh, hi."

Daniel Dale tweeted that he'd read or watched every speech Trump has given since 2016 (your expression of sympathy here), and yesterday's speech was the most dishonest Trump has ever given. Me, I wonder what he hopes it will lead to--armed MAGA hordes in the street? Intimidate judges and vote counters? I suppose Trump's saying nothing wasn't (and never is) an option, but this hydrogen bomb of lies: to what end?

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In marketing, more is better.

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SCOTUS won't care. If they feel they need to designate Donnie as the winner, they'll do it no matter what.

Apparently, the rule of law is for suckers and losers, not Republicans.

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WOLF: I really shouldn’t be here, sir.

TRUMP: That’s what they all say.

I'll bet they do.

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Well I read this and then immediately rewatched the Sister Christian scene in Boogie Nights and now I might have to rewatch the whole movie. It feels like a very good day!

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Awesome! "Oh, you’re loyal too? Everybody’s loyal! Maybe you wanna suck my dick and show me?"

Well, I suppose that would be the ultimate test of loyalty for Trump. LMAO

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One other quick comment - many democrats are thinking that by 2022 the democrats will lose the house because the party with the presidency usually loses seats in the next mid-terms.

Keep something in mind however, COVID is FUCKING this country up hard. In two years anywhere from 1.5 million to 2.5 million Americans will be dead from it, 3 to 4 times that many will have permanent heart, lung, vascular and/or neural damage.

2022 will be different is all I'm saying. Maybe folks will blame Biden and the democrats but I don't think so. The opportunity to control COVID was missed long ago by DJT and his crew of incompetents and there's no holding it back now.

Nothing is going to be the same 2 years from now.

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