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Dec 14, 2022
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What, no Ivermectin?

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Many skis done got too-far-overed up theyah

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The state done cut her tow rope, but she doesn't know it yet. Hilarity and headfirst splashes ensue.

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I was envisioning a slightly different outcome, at the business end of a ski jump...

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"any and all wrongdoing” with respect to the Covid-19 vaccines. "

You mean like say , a government official causes widespread death and suffering by refusing to follow Health Department mandated pandemic precautions? Cause that shit should be investigated!

Funny as hell! I have no problem picturing one of these presser things devolving into a pie fight.

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How was this not an issue in DeSantis' re-election bid? Oh, that's right, Charlie Crist decided not to bring it up.

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And yet the moribund Florida Dems will probably keep running the mummified corpse of former Republican Charlie Crist until it crumbles into dust.

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I wonder if climate change could ever be an election-winning issue for Florida Democrats? Guess we'll never know, because reanimated Charlie Crist-Corpse won't bring it up.

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Health DEE-partment? More lahk HITLER department! The face diaper is trainin' you to submit! The China virus bioweapon made by Fauci is a hoax, and, even if you get it from the chemtrails and 5G, don't take the death jab like has killed MILLIONS, just take some vitamin D and a Z-pak and you'll be fine! I AM NOT A CRANK

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It's the all-caps on I AM NOT A CRANK that tells us you're REALLY not a crank.

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My god. Crazy, drunk, fascist, AND stupid is a bit much. Pick a struggle, people.

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Historically speaking, they do go together.

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It’s no way to go through life, Sun!

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Either pick one or join a fraternity!

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Love the reference to people who have retired and moved to Florida. If only Trump had followed the lead of so many other septuagenarians from Queens instead of holding fast to his belief that Obama was born in Kenya. The five act Shuckspearian tragedy “The Donald” yet to be written will place that fatal flaw at the center of the stomach-turning yet side-splitting tale of the real estate grifter who rose and fell on the tide of his racism and narcissism.

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The language of King Donald I will fall somewhat short of the poetry in Shakespeare’s King Richard II.

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"Honking Fascist Goose" is the soundtrack.

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Because they couldn't afford the rights to Yakkety Sax?

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Actually, it will fall somewhere between The Gong Show and Spike Jones. “Is this the - what d’ya call it? Certficazation? Long form certifi-whoozie? - I see before me? Some people say, many people, even Melania, the darkie is a Moor or maybe he’s less, I don’t know.”

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It's mind-boggling, the number of things that he doesn't know and says anyway.

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Myself, I have two baskets, "Things I know" and "Things I don't know" and then "Things I say" generally come out of Basket #1, but I've never been elected President, so I must be doin' it wrong.

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I say lotsa stuff. WAY more than I can squeeze outta the "Things I know" tube. This may or may not have something to do with the general shunning...I used to think social distancing was only for pandemic-mongers...

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Will no one speak up for the turmeric??!!

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We just started selling turmeric plants. Evidently they grow well in containers.OK indoors - might need a supplemental light. The flavor of fresh is supposedly vastly superior to off the shelf. Ask me in June. A couple fell off the truck the other day into my grow room.


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I had no idea you could grow it indoors. But don’t they require lots of direct sun, and do they get tall and leggy?

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Careful now...

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Are they in demand? This is the first year I remember hearing them widely touted as herbs rather than ingredients.

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This is the first year we've carried it. I've never seen them at market but I don't go to trades show's anymore (because - suck).It's in one of our more mainstream catalogs, There must be some interest. It's a great looking plant and from the pictures the yield of usable rhizomes for spice looks generous.


I like this website- Balcony gardener is a nice niche. Smart marketing!

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I've sprouted turmeric rhizomes but, in the Boston climate, they only did well for a few weeks in steamy part of the summer. At least around here, I suspect they need greenhouse conditions.

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I suspect it would be the same here in the Upper Midwest.

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Once I enjoyed a delicious turmeric-rich meal while I had a temporary cap on one of my teeth, awaiting the permanent crown. Oh, the turmeric turned that thing the most brilliant yellow-orange-gold. I could grimace and slow down traffic for days.

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My own Dumb Senator (FOR THE NEXT SIX FUCKING YEARS) don't hold with that foreign-sounding spicery, good old-fashioned American Listerine does the trick.

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I prefer to take my turmeric dose spread liberally over chicken before it goes into the curry.

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Yeah, this is about what I'd expect from these United States of America, Trump will fall because of the ONE time he actually said something true and praised the vaccine. Republican voters were always ready to cast him aside, just as soon as they could find someone even worse.

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"they have my assurance that whatever role the voters grant me in the future, I’ll always appreciate their counsel and support. Thank you."

He's good, this one!

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The farce is strong with this one.

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I get strong LaWanda Page energy from Dr Immanuel. Roy, you ol’ heathen!

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Same. It's almost like a Dr. Bronner label come to life.

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Don't be hatin' on Dr Bronner! Damn fine soap. ALL-ONE OK!

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But the labels...I once won a Tall Tale Contest once by claiming to have read ALL the fine print on the giant economy sized Dr Bronner's detergent jug.

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I like the soap, but the labels are indeed a Moebius strip of crazy

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Legend is that Dr. Bonner marketed the soap just to promulgate his rather unique philosophies...

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Lots to ponder re: the Doc. Disclosure: I got people inside the plant. Anyway, while reading his backstory I came across the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, which posted an article about him and his company titled: From Soap to Nuts.

2 marks!

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"Don't drink soap" is crazy? Sounds like good advice to me.

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1994: GOP throws red meat to crazies in their midst, chaos ensues

2008: GOP throws red meat to crazies in their midst, chaos ensues

2016: GOP throws red meat to crazies in their midst, chaos ensues

2020: GOP throws red meat to crazies in their midst, chaos ensues

2022: GOP throws red meat to crazies in their midst, everything fine, no signs of things going wrong, nope, we got it THIS time, what could possibly happen?

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DeSantis Fever - Catch It!

(Actually just a mish-mash of Covid, RSV, seasonal flu and HPV)

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“ His flask skitters across the stage. ”

SO perfect.

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Nobody writes perfect dialect like Roy these days. His rendering of Dr. Emmanuel had me on the floor -- even more than her own insane rendering.

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A new study says Covid death rates in Ohio AND FLORIDA were 76% higher for Republicans than Democrats, at least in part because of vaccine resistance. Now, I'm no seven-dimensional-chess player, but "kill your own" doesn't seem like a brilliant electoral strategy.


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The antics of the Crazy Party have indeed coarsened the social fabric: this bleeding heart takes a grim satisfaction in that statistic.

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If you ever find yourself feeling bad about that, just repeat to yourself "They were either old or fat and were probably going to die soon anyway." Seems to work for Republicans.

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Nothing to say about today’s but brilliant. My husband was trying to catch a few winks and I was next to him, reading this and trying desperately not to laugh out loud.

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I was assuming the committee was to punish the pastor and his son that stole $8 million in PPP money from the Feds.

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